Sunday 26 August 2012

I spent the day watching childhood cartoons - well, Japanese animé to be more precise. It's got to be better than watching the news. My head is still spinning from recent unfolding events and my emotions are still raw, and I feel mostly like curling into a ball in my bed.

"He who acquires his skills quickly is the first to perish."
(says villain in Japanese animé)

They always say at least we learn from our mistakes - but what happens when you never actually learn and are stuck in a never ending loop? I asked that question to a friend the other day after she said 'I'd learn from my mistakes' as though it were a fact, and she wasn't able to answer. "Learning from our mistakes" sounds like such great advice... until you personally realise that you're not learning at all, and then you realise that these so-called pearls of wisdom are but mere platitudes with no real substance to them.

The more I listen to people around me, the more I realise how much these platitudes fill the depths of their thoughts, like a life-long collection of what ought to sound good to the ear.

Well, falling free from the chains that bind you is painful.It's like punishment for refusing to play the game and right now I'm mostly busy licking my battle wounds. I can't indulge in that healing process for too long, unless I want to fall into a pointless cycle of depression and self-pity. The way events unfolded is what hurt me - not the outcome itself. The outcome is great. It's called the absolute unknown. It's the scariest but most exciting situation to find yourself in.

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