Sunday 29 July 2012

Echoes and Mirrors

What if we lived in a world of mirrors? What if everything we ever thought, said and did was but reflections bouncing off from one mirror to the next? What if Reality was just that - echoes and mirror reflections we take as the real deal?

I utter a word, and that word will somehow be echoed back at me. I make a step, and that step will be reflected in someone else's step. My thoughts, so unique and personal to me, are echoed silently in the heads of many, who, just like me, believe their thoughts so unique and personal to them.

When I see someone stand before me - is it them that I see, or a reflection of I? The emotions awakened by our environment, its people and things, are constant triggers and though we are mostly trapped in reactive patterns I have to wonder. Am I seeing what I see, or am I staring at reflections of myself over and over again wherever I look? Would I be able to feel anything - would I ever be triggered in any way at all, be it in thought, emotion or action - if what triggers me in the first place (environment) wasn't showing me something more than what just seems to 'be'? Am I therefore reacting to the reality of my environment and its people, or am I in fact always only reacting to the reflections of I bouncing back from that very environment and its people?

A world of mirrors and echoes... in the midst of it all we must believe it is real. We can only be made to believe in the reality we are presented with. Till the mirror crack'd.

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