Sunday 25 March 2012

Solitude of the Loner

My first couple of days in the middle of nowhere have been rather wonderful. The second part of my journey begins tonight as I'll be spending the next 3 days all on my own. Staying in a little village means that it's not exactly lost in the middle of nowhere, nor does it mean that there's hardly anybody around - on the contrary, the unusually good and sunny weather has brought even more people and tourists around than usual.

It's all the same to me, no matter where I go; why? Because I've grown into a loner. I like to stand a few feet away from you, lost in my thoughts, but if you come any closer I might bite or run away. Just like the lone female deer I saw today out of the blue - one of the most beautiful sights so far... that of a deer jumping over a mossy brickwall only to stop a few feet away and stare back at me for a short while. By her feet was a rabbit hopping away into the wilderness and cover of the woods. I was alone then, climbing my way to the top of a low peak, and for a moment it felt like magic; me alone in the woods with the deer staring straight back at me.

When I finally reached the top of the low peak, the view was breathtaking - so much so that my mind seemed to go blank at once. I just sat there, my gaze lost in the vast greenness, waiting for the sunset in the foggy distance. I tried to write in my notebook, but my thoughts were as stuck as ever, or at least as they have been, creatively speaking, for the last 2 years or so. All I managed to jot down are these lines:

"Here I am, as though on top of the world, gazing down at the lake in the misty distance... the hills are rolling away before my eyes, sheets of lush green unfolding into the foggy skies, and here I sit, cross-legged on a bench in the heart of nowhere, perched as a bird would on the very tip of a tree. This feels like the whole world I'm staring at. I could sit here for the rest of times, simply gazing at its eternity."

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