Saturday 3 July 2010

Another Far-Fetched Theory?

I’m beginning to think that there is such a thing as being too human in this life. Too high a degree of sensitivity and empathy leads to a slow breaking of the heart within. The rest is destroyed by people like vultures feasting on your soon-to-be empty shell of a body. It is when by some strange mutation you were born lacking the feral survival instincts your peers still possess and let themselves be ruled by. Instead what you do have is an ability to feel so much that you couldn’t hurt anyone but yourself.

We’ve never felt freer and more powerful as individuals as we do now, and yet I assure you that only the settings have changed: we’re still enslaved, as much as our forebears were in the past, except that as cattle we are now better fed and sheltered - oh, and distracted by what is called ‘entertainment’.

But what is cattle for? And why encourage breeding in numbers while fattening existing members - literally?...

Globalisation turned out to be the most powerful element in ensuring that no matter how many people there are in this world they will be overwhelmed by that sheer number. Allowing all sorts of ‘freedoms’, letting loose the best as much as the worst, be it in behaviour or opinion, ensured that people would slowly become numb to everything they hear or see. The constant flow of information, the sheer volume of thoughts and random ideas expressed from every corner, build a sense of confusion and a disdain for truth based on an overdose of words and communication with no more time to think clearly- to reason.

Then came the time to set a few trigger words in people’s everyday language so that such terms would act as blankets for all behaviours deemed threatening in any way to the way society is supposed to work- according to those on top. Think the whole ‘extremism’ affair which in itself is such a loose term; it does not possess any positive or negative connotation as such. It literally means taking something to an extreme, that is all.

Today we think of it and ‘evil’ springs to mind so that even if someone tried to change things for the better the upheaval needed for that change would be killed in the bud by being branded ‘extremist’ or ‘terrorist’. How convenient.

Any way I look at it I see us trapped, cornered against a wall as big as the Chinese one. Like a brainless cattle we were herded and led exactly where they wanted us. Now comes the next phase, I suppose: a ‘collapse’ in the world economies. Why? Because you never realise how good you had it until they take it away from you and the mere threat of having the carpet pulled from under people’s feet used to wear gold-plated shoes will ensure that they will beg those in power to do ‘what they must’ to keep things as they are. In other words, we really were given a taste of freedom on a plate but society as shaped by the corrupt ones made sure that we would be the ones gladly surrendering it at some point, blinded and hooked on our comfort and easy ways like pathetic junkies. Those on top will get exactly what they’ve been working toward: total control over the masses who will offer themselves as slaves without even realising it. When this happens I suspect that very few will remain who will have the strength left to care.

And so here we are with a first timeline of steps taken to enslave a global world into mindless drones:

1) Letting people slowly believe that they are free: begins the loosening of morals and ethics in general. Birth of nanny states cleverly taking away people’s jobs knowing that without even an excuse of a purpose people tend to degenerate into oblivion.
2) Globalisation and all the consequences of it as many can describe so well, yet fail to see the correlation with the rest. A reminder of how many people there are, how many voices- a cacophony exacerbated by means of communication and the media- and how small each of us are, therefore made to feel powerless. Conformism is nurtured by the settings becoming the same everywhere.
3) Constant flow of information leading to desensitization, a general apathy.
4) The language is censored, albeit skillfully to instill fear in people without them being able to see through this. Terms are cleverly turned into taboos to ensure no one will be able to really stand against those in power or the way society works.
5) The fear factor is introduced first with a so-called economy downfall to trigger the psychological response of people eventually surrendering their say in the senseless hope all can remain as it 'used to be so far'.

I’m not that far off the truth, I know I’m not. I’m just too insignificant a person, lost amidst billions, to have access to proof. All I have is my mind churning out theories based on what I see and hear.

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