Monday 18 August 2008

The I within

I have a fascination for human nature, I can’t help it. The more they hurt me the more I want to understand why. Sometimes I forget that I am a person myself. I lose myself in concepts of humanity and I eclipse my own sense of individuality as though I was watching the world through a glass wall. I get a few glimpses of understanding and need to immerse my self back into the world so as to keep a sense of perspective. It challenges my thoughts every day. But then, no matter how many answers there might be to all mysteries regarding mankind, isn’t it the point to begin with identifying every possible root that could lead to such answers?

To that end I suspect I tend to mix psychology as well as philosophical theories. I merge introspection, psychotherapy tools and a few other theories that I tend to embrace. Kant’s good will theory, for instance, Descartes’ reflection on reality, Plato’s vision on politics and society in particular, Nietsche’s vision of a transcended God. In all their differences they challenge one another in my own reasoning and that’s good. That prevents complacence. I am also aware that I know too little philosophy and that in turn is likely to be looked down as a flaw. But then I want to preserve a fresh outlook, as flawed as it might be, and would rather know a few than all at once without really taking anything in. 

Reading philosophy often overwhelms my mind. I don’t understand their point unless there is a clear, concrete example to illustrate it. In that sense I love Plato and his dialogues. I also find Descartes’s use of a candle much easier to grasp. Stories also allow me to get a point better. Everything else is just so much wording- like Marx, for instance. Even my own writings on here are challenging to me, they are a mixture of pure thoughts, mistaken pre-conceptions and insights going in so much detail that it makes it all so scattered sometimes... But the aim would be ideally to condense them into a story, so that it becomes accessible to all if they wish to.

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