Monday 11 August 2008

A flawed power system?

Some people are allowed to get richer but the poor sod working his ass off to be able to afford life remains stuck on the same level of poverty- with a few pennies thrown at him here and there to keep him quiet. That’s a good way to ensure the rich stay rich or get even richer while the rest either slave away their skills or stay as poor as society intended them to be. Fact.

 Do I blame people who live off benefits? Nope. I actually understand how people could be so sick of slaving away for barely more money than the state would grant them anyway. Every payslip is taxed and the state gets billions out of them, yet it is always in deficit. Wars, which the states themselves decided to trigger in the first place, didn’t help either. 

 Where does all the money go? Official budgets tell you the bulk, or where it’s supposed to be going. Let’s say I believe that for lack of contrary evidence. What my mind cannot grasp is why politicians need to be paid so much when, according to human nature so easily darkened by temptation and greed- corruption- they should be the ones avoiding excess at all costs.

 By wanting to become a politician or a leader of the people you should be able to embrace such a requirment: living with just enough to be comfortable based on a medium of your own society. As such, someone like Brown should be living in some flat with just enough rooms to catter for his family. No cars, only public transports. I’d understand the need for tighter security around him, maybe. A leader is useless in all his preaching unless he walks the walk. I’d be tempted to say he should be getting about the same as people on benefits but then we might well end up with a depressed leader so let’s say he’d have enough money for proper food and a few treats a week - as in a meal out or a few pub rounds- and if he needed to go on holiday or anything more of a luxury then he would have to save up, my dear. 

Not a lot of people would be tempted to get to power anymore and that way those who still want to are actually the ones we need- the right people for the job instead of greedy opportunists who don’t give a damn about people, only their fattening wallets.

Anyway, this is what I think should be but probably never will be.

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