Saturday 19 June 2010

Shooting stars

One by one, they stumble down; into a great lake of fire they split, like a thousand funfairs’ lights. And when the night is slain, and morning but a streak of blood on the sky’s bruised cheek, there will be no more stars to shoot.

Often I feel like shoving my hand inside my skull to take out the part that was rotten by the system and its conditioning, and its hurt... I feel as though doing that would leave me at peace again and I would be able to find my true self.

I need to leave all that distracts the mind and only serves to fill it with junk. Things like movies, even the so-called news, my phone, the internet... All these things are only turning us into an Attention Deficit Disorder nation. It works quite well to keep the masses busy with everything that is trivial while what matters is being decided under their noses. It’s just as Winston observed when he watched the sheer power of the masses’ anger being directed at the most trivial issues... But never at what truly needs to be dealt with.

Look at how much energy we put into fighting for a seat on a crowded bus, how strategic and passionate we become when it’s about a pointless game of football or tennis... Where do all the anger, passion and ideals go when faced with the most important things in life?

Where do they all go?

They are channeled already to be expressed only for the most trivial things.
It’s nothing new, but it can only be all the more depressing.

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Sarah said...
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