Wednesday 1 April 2009

the tailoring of Freedom

I am forever torn between the need for individual freedom and fairness.

Individual freedom in its true form would require a deep set of morals from each person but that can never happen, can it? Unless every single individual possessed and respected a code of ethics, the notion of individual freedom can only remain a sham. The thief, the murderer, the scammer, the power-hungry sod and all the rest would have to be capable to restrain themselves from stealing, killing, ripping others off and so on.

Then, and only then, would freedom truly have a chance to exist or allowed to be. Failing a general consensus where everyone agrees to truly follow a strict code of ethics, people will always need to be watched and somewhat controlled. A system like capitalism only serves to feed people’s greed while giving off the false impression of freedom.

In reality you’re only free according to how much money you have in your pocket. Therefore the more money you have, the freer you might feel. That is not true freedom.

Sometimes it’s hard not to wonder how long this life is going to go on for. It feels like a silly game where all the players keep running like headless chickens in all directions according to their wants and wishes. Everywhere you look people are rushing past you to get something better in life; a position, social ascension, a job, a house... It feels like one big race each individual is forced to enter and those who trip or are confused are ruthlessly left behind. The only safety net one can hope to find is the one society provides by granting you a little money each week or so to allow you to survive, not really live.

In the end, the harsh really of life is that the meaner you are the more likely you are to succeed. the more ruthless, the more rewarded. It makes sense: survival of the fittest. I’m just me, wanting a peaceful life where I feel loved and can learn to love others. That wish is turned into a cliche, sounding so cheesy that most people will smirk at it. They already know that to lead a comfortable life one must be calculating and focused on best-value actions or decisions that will get more money.

Money is the ultimate purpose of life for many. Life in itself becomes meaningless unless you have money to give it some value. People mean nothing and are all interchangeable because money is the key. It defines your worth in society and buys you all the features you need to succeed. It can buy you friends, connections, comfort and even a family in the long run. Those who are poor must have a fiery fighting spirit that will push them to become more cunning so that they can one day get enough money to enter the same old arena where money buys everything else.

1 comment:

j k said...

I can't agree more with you. You have spoken the essence of morality. Great writing