Monday 6 April 2009

The angry virus-like theory

What am I in this life, this whole world, but one pair of eyes to witness what lies before me?
My person in itself means very little, and in essence I am equal or of no more importance than any other person. My mind, on the other hand, is the wild card that can transform my own experience of life into something meaningful at least for my self. Everything else is superfluous. Remove the mind from the equation and we all become fancy monkeys. We would no longer be the virus of a planet, but another species among billions of others.

Because I am part of that virus, it is hard for me to see our kind as the destructive one, but no matter how I look at it, the pattern is there. We are merely the bigger version of the viruses we fight and can never truly destroy.

Adaptability: we are the champion of the field. We always adapt to survive, and we shape ourselves to the environment, while our reasoning ability allows us to learn how to slowly transform that same environment but always in a destructive way because it is in essence what defines us. Viruses that kill us adapt constantly to our tricks and they often make a come back more destructive than the last.

Propagation: We multiply in clusters and we spread. That is another constant or common trait we share with viruses.

In the midst of a virus-like population there are what we will call mutations, or exceptions to the rule, but those are few and far in between. Those who happen to lack the destructive trait are the ones we see as ‘good’ people in general. They are never the norm among the human race, but the exception. Thus, they are the degenerative group of the whole. In that light it therefore makes sense that the ‘good’ are often the ones perishing or destroyed in some way by others of the same race. That is because our main dominating trait is to spread and destroy. Those who don’t are left behind or anhilated.
Many can disagree with this view, but I doubt anyone could argue logically against it.


Karina said...

I heard something similar on the first installation of Matrix the movie

Sarah said...

That's very possible. Most things I write are hardly original, but they're the things I come to understand for myself rather than just taking it for granted.