Friday 3 May 2013

I can't express how I feel right now, but perhaps the song below can?...

O heart, why do you hurt so much?

I am such a naive idiot... I really am. I was never meant for this concrete world. I really never was. I am a dream, a thought, a memory, a smile, a gesture... not a 'real' person.

I keep trying.... I really keep trying to be more 'real'... concrete... but it is a struggle, day in, day out. Because all that this world is... I am simply not.

And yes, it makes me weird, different, alone... you name it. I have no one beside my own self. And I am not even sure who my 'self' is.

Love... yeah... it hurts, that's for sure.


Zaki said...

There is nothing more concrete than your feelings. They make you human, not weird.

Sarah said...

I guess you're right... thanks. I just wish feelings didn't have to hurt so much all the time.