Friday 5 April 2013

The nice good bye

Good byes... I'm not very good at them, but then again I know it's time to say good bye to, well, Aliska.

Good bye, Aliska. I shall never turn to you again, but you helped me - SO much.

Oh Aliska... you were the voice I had killed in infancy, lost as I was in this dead society. And then you gave me a voice again... Thank you! Oh thank you, Aliska... I shall miss you, though I know that forever you will be a part of my history... and for good cause, too.

But it is time to say good bye and part ways, and by parting ways I am really turning a new leaf. And so it is that if you ever knew me under this name, Aliska, then search no more for she's gone and there is no one else left to look for. It's over.

Good bye Aliska... Good bye!

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