Sunday 1 August 2010

On Education and knowledge

University is such a waste of time in the end... It’s mindblowing. What is it but a mere process of going through specific motions - learning exactly what you are told to learn and apply that granted knowledge in a very specific manner and no other unless you want to be failed - to get a piece of paper at the end of it that is supposed to tell the world how 'clever' you are?...

In a way, it does prepare you well to play by society’s rules to the letter even when you think you’re rebelling. It’s a really ‘good’ form of higher conditioning that ensures even the more intelligent section of the population is controlled, too.

Wouldn't it be enough for most youngsters to get a basic form of education that includes learning how to read, write and basic maths? Once one possesses those basic skills, the mind can start growing and expending in its own unique ways, instead of being conditioned to be just another mouthpiece for the world's blind. Beyond those basic skills... There is a fine line between brain stuffing and conditioning, especially taking into account that the world’s settings have been changed so much that what is now valued is everything that is in fact useless, if not downright harmful to the mind. We are all required to possess useless skills, these days - more so than ever before.

When I think back on my own education, it was all so stiff and imposed to the letter... By age 15 I knew I would never want to study anything scientific, for instance, because of that mental block I had, yet I was forced to carry on in that field to an extent regardless. They couldn’t just allow different minds to learn and strive on the things that work best for them. They have to put you through the same motions as everyone else and what is that but a step in the direction of rationalizing people? Yes, that's right, rationalizing people and their mind just as they do it with businesses.

I hate that the notion of knowledge has been turned into yet another commodity - one people need to sell themselves to others. The worst part is that only specific categories of knowledge are respected or given value.

It’s all so stupid, and there just isn’t an escape in sight. I’m trapped in a very silly world that has most of its priorities backward and I’m expected to play the game? You’ve got to be kidding me, surely.

I just want to explode in a trillion of blinding colours and be free.

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