Monday 2 January 2012


There is a saying in French that goes: 'Etre en osmose avec quelque chose', which really means 'to be in sync with something', except the French use the word osmosis in a figurative context here, and I'm not sure that's the case in English, but there you go. That word 'osmosis' came to mind earlier as I looked back in time briefly through my mind's eye.

I wondered why that word came to mind as I was reminiscing the old days, and then suddenly it struck me. Now that I no longer feel so much sorrow looking back in time, now that the past can safely be looked at without regret and sighs of 'what-if', now that I realise I am better now than I was before... This feeling of being in sync within myself is almost in my reach. And thus came that word, osmosis, to symbolise the fusion of the old and new all at once - of who was, is and will be.

I can look back in time, and though I am no longer able to relate much to my younger 'versions', those younger versions needed to be in order to give rise to the one that is now. When you can turn around and no longer get stuck on the particular pains and hiccups along the way, that's when it feels like some sort of osmosis within. Of course, it's only a matter of time before what happens now ends up taking time for my future versions to be able to feel in 'sync' again with this unfolding now... an endless process from birth till death do us part.

But for now, let's enjoy that feeling in time when everything that was is finally in sync with what is.

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