Monday, 16 February 2009

You know the world is really gone to hell when banks, of all corporations, are supposedly given billions from the people’s pockets and are allowed to not give an account of their spending... It makes you question whether the whole ‘bailout’ is even real or if it’s not another bedtime story to hide other things. So many lies, so many games of deceit based on the masses’ blindness...

I’m such a peaceful, child-like idealist that I could never understand the perversity that runs like poison through humanity’s veins. If humanity was a gigantic human body then its limbs would be black with necrosis, its heart still beating but slowed by the gangrene, its brain prisoner of a scortching fever sending its mind into a torpor interrupted only by sudden delusions.

Being human myself, it is very hard for me to choose between my kind and nature. If nature was to win, and it must at some point, then I would have to share humanity’s common destiny- no exceptions can be made. It’s hard to accept that we deserve the worst that is coming to us and yet yourself as a person have done very little wrong.

The people always pay for the greed of a few in power, that is how the human race works. Quantities of people rather than quality means that it is more likely to give a handful on top free reins for longer, and those who can still see through the web of lies are made powerless in their relative isolation and inherent lack of ruthless fighting skills. Good people can only lose because the good would never get caught in the corrupt’s games.

Then I imagine what it would be like if all the people were back in the wild, and I wonder who would survive. The wicked, the cheats and ruthless manipulators would, again, be kings in the jungle and people like me wouldn’t last a day. Or would we? I wonder...

I just can’t get my head around the reality that so many people could kill to get what they want, and if that is a remnant of survival instincts then where is mine? I just don’t understand how we can’t possibly all live in peace, really. How come it seems so hard for so many to question themselves and challenge their wicked streaks. I don’t understand how you could read these words and smirk, thinking ‘what a naive, child-like view of the world’ when it is at the core of everything our kind supposedly strives for.

We have such a unique and potentially formidable ability to think and reason, to learn from our mistakes and evolve. We can choose. We can remain under nature’s control if we want to, or we can attempt to become more civilised and create the most wonderful things, yet we choose to taint everything with blood and money, the latter being the biggest illusion of all times.

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